Friday, October 26, 2012

                           president Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa

                                                                             president Ma Ying-jeou 
                                                                              single-party republic

Thursday, October 25, 2012

so today in class we went over stuff that will be on the test. I think i will do well on the test most of the things we asked about i knew the answer to. I do need to study this will put me up to a B if i do good on this test. So i am pumped and studying hard. then we got to talk among st are selves. It was a pretty shill class i would say. I dont like that everybody knows my middle name thanks to Mr schick. Now a lot of people are going to be calling me aj. I hate that name not for any particular reason i just do. so i know that this blog doesnt count but im doing it anyways because im bored. Ya i had Micheal to my right crying about the blogs and savanah to my left talking up a storm i didn't know what to do with my self. THen i started to think why is my name austin its such a common name then i woundered if anybody in china could have the name austin. I thought of that because we were talking about the other religions. Ya im a random  person but one day that will get me somewhere because i have a creative mind. Also Mr schick if ur reading this please stop because this blog has no point but to look really long.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

so today in class it was pretty weird for the first ten minutes. I didn't know what to do because it was crazy. then we got quiet and called the office. then Mr hollan came in. WE started to do our work. I did a little more then asked but its OK.

Friday, October 19, 2012

How many followers does christian have?

What is one characteristic of culture?Ethnicity

What is the Buddhist holy book?
they don't have one

What is the largest religion in the world?


Monday, October 15, 2012

Today in class we were talking about the paragraphs we wrote about the different religions. I didnt really learn much because i had done the same thing as everybody else. I still listened in because there were small little things that i could take notes on. That i didnt have on mine. I also learned how to put fish on my blog which is pretty cool i need to get my page views up only got 200.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

       Christianity was founded in Palestine around 30 AD.Christianity is monotheistic. Christianity does have its own book it is called the bible. Christianity has 2,100,000,000 followers. The central figure of this religion is god and Jesus. Christianity’s is predominant in the Western World (North America, Europe)
         Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia in the year 590. Islam is a big monotheistic religion. The book that is used for Islam is called the the Qu'ran. Islam has 2,000,000,000 followers. prophets in Islam are thew main figures of the Islamic culture. Islam’s is Middle East. 
         Buddhism was founded in India in the 5th century. Buddhism is polytheistic it has more then one person that there people worship. Buddhism does not use a holy book. Buddhism has 350,000,000 followers. Buddhists central figure is the Buddha as you can tell the religion has his name in it.Buddhism’s is Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka, East Asia, Indochina, regions of Russia and The Netherlands. 
       Hinduism was also founded in India in 2000 BC. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, they worship more then one god. Hinduism uses the Bhagavad- Gita as its holy book.  Hinduism has 1,000,000,000 followers.Hindu’s have several gods.Hinduism’s Indian subcontinent. Southeast Asia, Fiji, Guyana, Trinidad, Mauritius, Suriname, Bali. 
       Judaism was founded in Canaan in 2000 BC. is one of many monotheistic religions. Judaism uses the Torah as its holy book. Judaism has 14,000,000 followers.Judaism’s central figures are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel.  Judaism’s is Israel.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

today in class we finished the last viking power point. I think my group had the best one. then we were talking about culture and the differences in the people we did. Then we got into a power point that Mr, Schick made for us. It was about culture and what things made up culture. One was language and the world is very diverse in the languages they use.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today in class we watched power points about the Native Americans, Columbus, and the vikings I learned that the Native Americans were originally from Europe and Asia The crossed a landmass that Connected modern day Russia and America. I Also learned that the native americans were the next to arrive. They only Stayed for about 350 years though. They did not feel that the land had any use to them So they left.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

So i do think that excellence in good. The first thing i wont to do is get on all my teachers good sides. This will help me when i am in need of assistance. Then a goal is to do all my work from now on. The next thing is this year if i need help i will always ask questions if i dont understand what i am doing. Another thing that i am going to do is study for all my tests that i have to take to ensure that i get a good grade on the test to keep my grade up. last but not least i will check my grades frequently so i know that i am not slipping with my grades. As you can see my main focus is keeping my grades up so my stuff is all based on that main topic.
I think that elbert hubbard and Socretes would not believe that this was real. In there life they didnt have half the technology that we have today. I think they might feel dumb because now they can just e mail garcia the letter. Socretes might be amazed that his beliefs spread to many people across the earth.i think tht he would be happy that this could not have happened without him. I still strongly believe that they would not be able to adapt to the life that we live now. It is just that much different from the life that they lived back then.
I think arete means to reach your full potential as a person. I believe that Socretes and the greeks took this in to consideration in everything they did. Socretes did not let the government keep him down. He talked about what he felt and did not care what happened to him. "He lived his life to the fullest " as you could say. The greeks were known for there fearless additude twords war and academics. They had to much pride to go down without a fight. This is what sadly brought Socretes to his death. He was sentenced to death by preaching is mind. That is how i believe Socretes and the greeks embraced arete.
Today in class we talked about things that we can do to help the lost boys. There are many organizations that help the lost boys. some examples are they help them to get food, so they have toys and things to do in camps like kakuma. They also do things like help them get new lives in america. Such as the program that the men in the movie took. also all the people that are messing with our site need to stop.