Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in class we- talked about how Other peoples economy, are as we blogged about the other night. In this class I also got my new computer I learned Some helpful information, well not that Signifigant but some fun facts about other countries. I was trying to figure out my computer So I didn't get that many notes. I did learn were the U. Stood in terms of different catagorys such as how many airports we nave, Compared to other countries. Today we also talked about Terrorist attacks and if we bombed Iran and nobody sed anything Then when we talked about them bombing Us everybody Said that is horrible. I was wondering if they do it to us it's bad but if we do it to them it is ok. I do not understand the logic in that. So I guess that is it for today didn't do that much in class, I was pretty quiet because I was thinking about asking Somebody Something, but I didn't. Stay nappy and live to blog another day Bye.

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