Friday, September 28, 2012

Today the class started with mr schick being very late nobody knew what to do. So we  called the office that didnt really help. Then some wierd guy walked in. He asked for austins name then left. He scared me and it was awkward because everybody got quiet. Finaly mr schick got there. He was so proud to see that his class was not going crazy without adult supervision. So then he was unprepared for class and didnt have the video. So he had to leave again. Then he came back and started the video.
The men from sudan had lived in america for a while now and have jobs. They have to wake up at 5 to go to work and it doesnt start till 7 so they sleep outside till it opens. Panther works three jobs which i dont get because he doesnt speak well english so you dont think he would get a job but he does. They really just want to help there country. That is exactly why they want the money.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today in class we watched a video. It was about a bunch of people from Africa. They were in a Refuge that was not the greatest place to live. They were called the lost boys. They are making way to America and Seeing a lot of things for the first time. For example when they got on a plane there was a light and they had no idea what it was. When the were eating they would do things like eat the mayonnaise rate out of the packet. It was funny to see them try to Adjust to the world because they didn't know What to do, they got in on an escalator and Started to fall and got kind of scared. Then we talked about the movie and now these people live and we Complain because the Showed isn't hot enough. They Said the would So happy if they could get a job. Also the miss all the people that Stayed in kenya So that the Could make the journey to america.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

today in Class there was a Shadow. We talked about the test and what they got right or wrong. I got an 82 So I didn't get a bell but that is OK. I tried hard on it. I only got 6 wrong and I relizewhat the answer is to the problems was d general easy test with a few hard questions in there. Them we watch God gives up hope. I think that is what it is called I forget. I got notes on that I think It is sad that those kids went all that way with no food or water and many of them died. I am glad that they are safe now and live in freedom.
Another makeup today in Class we took a test.
this is another in class we talked about Total fertility rate and things like that we also watched and talked about the 3.0 video I learned Cool facts like India has more honors student then we have student. I thought a lot of the facts that you Saw were pretty cool. The made you realize now developed the world really is. We discussed how these things effected us in life. At first I didn't think that it had any relation, after me schick explained it to us I realized that what they do in there economy effects what happens in our economy. Weather it's oil or product we get there economy effects us in Some way.
Another makeup So today in class we Worked on our power Points.
so this is two make up for  it because I didn't do it the first time it was given tome. I also need my grade up. So from what I Can remember my first visit to john Carroll was pretty Scary I didn't know really anybody So I Sat alone most of the day. The teachers were nice So that Was a bright side. I felt Like I belonged. It Seemed like it would be difficult but I figured I could Stick through it So far I have but I Still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today in class we- talked about how Other peoples economy, are as we blogged about the other night. In this class I also got my new computer I learned Some helpful information, well not that Signifigant but some fun facts about other countries. I was trying to figure out my computer So I didn't get that many notes. I did learn were the U. Stood in terms of different catagorys such as how many airports we nave, Compared to other countries. Today we also talked about Terrorist attacks and if we bombed Iran and nobody sed anything Then when we talked about them bombing Us everybody Said that is horrible. I was wondering if they do it to us it's bad but if we do it to them it is ok. I do not understand the logic in that. So I guess that is it for today didn't do that much in class, I was pretty quiet because I was thinking about asking Somebody Something, but I didn't. Stay nappy and live to blog another day Bye.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

so in class we learned how to see if websites are accurate. I also found out that mr schick loves wikipedia. I would have to agree to disagree with him because i just dont like it. Also i was getting some dirt stares some from people to my left. I dont care because i was focused on mr schick. Then we looked at websites and said if they were fake or real. Then that was about it . live to log another day.