Thursday, November 29, 2012

today in class we talked about china and the america and there relations. most people hate theat we are giving jobs away to china but they love the the low prices we get from it. I really think that the american person doesnt know what they want. They want the low prices but dont want to give anything up to get them. Thats all we do as Americans is want want want. they never want to give it never makes sense to me. I do think that it is bad that americans are losing there jobs but i also see that it is an exelent buissness choice by the companies.
Saudi Arabia
Abdoulah bin abdul aziz
Francois hollande
french republic 
Benjamin Netanyahu
Parlimentery system  
 Pranab Mukherjee
angela merkel
Parlimentary republic

                           president Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa

                                                                             president Ma Ying-jeou 
                                                                              single-party republic

united kingdom
David William Donald Cameron

President Dilma Rousseff

dilma rouseff
workers party
Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa
United mexican states 

Hugo chaves
united socialist of venesuela
                                      Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
                                      islamic republic of iran

                                                                                               Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías
                                                                                               united socialist venasuela

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

          Today in class we watch the same video from last class we are trying to finish it but we have not gotten that far yet. It is about how china has no labor laws and many of the people that live there are poor. American jobs are being lost because Chinese people will work for a lot less money so they are making these products in china. Also it showed that living conditions and standards are way less then what they are in the united states. They work for three to four dollars a day that is crazy you could not even come close to making a living for yourself in the united states on that kind of country.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today in class we talked about the test we took i did ok i think i got a c on it . i got about two thing wrong for each part of the test. Then we got into talking about Gerry sanduski because he was coming to speak at our school. He is the sports caster for the baltimore ravens. He gets hassled a lot because of his name. He is going to talk to us about how he had to work through it. Also what he did to succeed as he went through life. THen we started to watch a movie about how america and the us are related. They are closer then you think.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

austin smith, Parker day, savanah king

Germany, india, iran
1. August 24, 1776
2.Germany was like a dictator ship they did not have many rights and had virtualy no freedom in speech.
3.Germany was never subject to any other country they actually conqured other countries to gain power.
4.This country is found in northern asia.

1.15 August 1947
3.india was ruled by many different countrys before they split off into there own country.
4.This country is found in the middle east

1.October 1977
2.iran was also run by force
3.Iran was always its own separate country
4.this country is found in africa

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today in class we talked about a test that we took i did ok on it i got a b. I can never seem to get an a on it. I got a 100 percent on the front of it. then the back i got 4 wrong. it was challanging to remember all the facts about every body. then we started to talk about the research assignment that we have to do but he didnt give us details. Thats all we did for the day.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today in class we got are tests back which im never able to get an a on i always get a b on it. then we started to go over the test. It was funny to see all the people try to read the names because they are hard to pronounce. But all got all the answers on the front of the paper right. Which i didnt do so great on the last time we had that. then i did ok on the back i think i got 4 wrong on the back but im not sure. that is just about all we did in class today. Also Mr schick gave some intel on a research project we might be doing in the future.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President obama
He was a civil-rights lawyer and teacher before pursuing a political career.

"I guarantee you we will move this country forward. We will finish what we started. And we'll remind the world just why it is the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth." obama

Monday, November 5, 2012

today in class we studyed a bit then we took a test thjen started to work on an assignment.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

hey its Austin on my daily blog so today in class we went over our grades for the test and talked about specific problems that gave us trouble. i got a 78 i did OK but i think i could have done better. then we started to work on our people president things i am almost done mine.